The Rhythm Collection
Everything has its texture, a pattern that makes it be. These FABcore products all have a carpet feel to them, lending a rhythmic beat to life.
3701Platinum Knit
3702Silver Knit
3703Carbon Knit
3704Gold Knit
3705Copper Knit
3706Neptune Knit
3801Rustic Deco
3802Antique Deco
3803Bronze Deco

Core Technology

A stage is as sound as its foundation, as strong as its core, and as stylish as its surface.


A symphony is as memorable as its finish.
EnCore™ Technology is a bespoke 4x UV coat plus ceramic bead finish for super-max strength and quality.


A composition is as strong as its bassline.
CorePrit™ Technology is a white limestone core essence that is the spine of our product


The underlayer should never be underappreciated or underestimated
CoreSet™ Technology is a subtle, adhering material that grounds every plank.

Core Advantages